czyli KAMIENNY BRUK. Obecnie mozna go znalezc w trzech miejscach na Starym Miescie, ale w podziemiach kosciola Ecce Homo mozna mu sie spokojnie przygladac i nikt nie probuje nam w tym czasie niczegos sprzedac ani za dodatkowa oplata wyjasnic!
Wierzono, iz w tym miejscu sądzono Chrystusa, jednakze badania przeprowadzone w ciagu kilkudziesieciu ostatnich lat potwierdzily, iz kamienne bloki zostaly umieszczone tu w czasach Hadriana (w 135 roku). Niemniej jednak bruk prawdopodobnie pochodzi z twierdzy Antonia, w ktorej byc moze dokonanl sie Sąd.
Generalnie w Jerozolimie lepiej patrzec po czym sie stąpa...
Wierzono, iz w tym miejscu sądzono Chrystusa, jednakze badania przeprowadzone w ciagu kilkudziesieciu ostatnich lat potwierdzily, iz kamienne bloki zostaly umieszczone tu w czasach Hadriana (w 135 roku). Niemniej jednak bruk prawdopodobnie pochodzi z twierdzy Antonia, w ktorej byc moze dokonanl sie Sąd.
Generalnie w Jerozolimie lepiej patrzec po czym sie stąpa...
or STONE PAVEMENT. Nowadays one can find it in three different places in the Old City but only in Ecce Homo church's basement we can watch it not being disturbed by somebody trying either to sell us something or guide us for an additional fee.
It was believed that in this place Jesus had been judged, however, last years' study confirmed that the stone blocks were placed here in Hadrian's times (in 135 AD). Nevertheless, the pavement was made from the stones of the Antonia Fortress (where the Judgment of Jesus might have happened).
In Jerusalem, generally, it's better to look where we put our foot on...
or STONE PAVEMENT. Nowadays one can find it in three different places in the Old City but only in Ecce Homo church's basement we can watch it not being disturbed by somebody trying either to sell us something or guide us for an additional fee.
It was believed that in this place Jesus had been judged, however, last years' study confirmed that the stone blocks were placed here in Hadrian's times (in 135 AD). Nevertheless, the pavement was made from the stones of the Antonia Fortress (where the Judgment of Jesus might have happened).
In Jerusalem, generally, it's better to look where we put our foot on...
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